Our ethos
Cultivating a culture of learning through play is very important to us. We build children’s confidence and whet their appetite to learn with a range of fun, age-appropriate, daily activities which are based around the children’s interests and next steps.
Each of our nurseries works to the Early Years framework, offering a safe and stimulating environment from which every child leaves enjoying learning, ready for school, and able to make and be a good friend to others.
At Little Learners, we implement a curriculum to children using loosely-based monthly topics across all age groups. The staff differentiate activities accordingly to meet the age and needs of the children and track the activities through in-the-moment planning to explore and build upon the children’s interests and developmental next steps.
In order to enable a smooth transition between each age group up until the children are ready to leave us for school, they are targeted to meet two developmental outcomes at each stage.
Developmental outcomes
Babies (3-16 months)
- To be able to take their first steps with support and encouragement from practitioners.
- To begin to communicate using single words.
Toddlers (16-24 months)
- To be more aware of their surroundings and develop their spatial awareness.
- To share their toys and equipment, waiting patiently for their turn.
2-3 years
- To be potty trained, showing awareness of their toileting needs.
- To communicate using short sentences of at least three words.
Preschoolers (3-5 years)
- To be able to use scissors with good scissor control and confidence.
- To be independent in regards to dressing, self-serving food & drinks, toileting, and handwashing.
Meet our pets!
By interacting with our nursery pets, the children are directly exposed to personal, social and emotional areas of learning, where they can begin to understand skills such as caring and compassion. The children assist in taking care of the pets, such as helping to clean their cages and prepare their food, which helps to develop fine motor skills. We also use them to help the children better understand the world, such as exploring the foods we gave them and the lifecycle of animals.
We’re eager to introduce many different types of animals to the children’s learning. In the past, we have observed ducklings and chicks hatch, tadpoles develop into frogs, and caterpillars become beautiful butterflies.
Topic programme for 2023
January: Seasons
- Core Book 1: All about the weather
- Core Book 2: We're going on a bear hunt
- Chinese New Year, 22/01/23
February: Space
- Core Book 1: The dinosaur that pooped a planet
- Core Book 2: Aliens in underpants save the world
- Valentine's Day, 14/02/23
March: People who help us
- Core Book 1: People who help us
- Core Book 2: The smartest giant in town
- St David's Day, 01/03/23
- St Patrick's Day, 17/3/23
- Red Nose Day, 17/3/23
- Mother's Day, 19/3/23
April: Life cycles and planting
- Core Book 1: The hungry caterpillar
- Core Book 2: Planting a rainbow
- St George's Day, 23/04/23
- Easter, 09/04/23
- Red Nose Day, 17/3/23
- Mother's Day, 19/3/23
May: Countries
- Core Book 1: Two countries, one me
- Core Book 2: A place called home
June: Colours and shapes
- Core Book 1: Elmer and the rainbow
- Core Book 2: We are the shape
- Father's Day, 18/06/23
- Eid, 28/06/23
July: Science and investigation
- Core Book 1: Scientist—discover amazing people
- Core Book 2: Look inside—science
- Graduation
August: Transport and road safety
- Core Book 1: Dinosaur crossing the road
- Core Book 2: Count the cars, trains, trucks, and planes
September: All about me and my family
- Core Book 1: It's okay to be different
- Core Book 2: All in one piece (the large family)
- Grandparent's Day, 10/09/23
- Harvest Festival, 16/09/23
October: Healthy Eating
- Core Book 1: My friends inside me
- Core Book 2: We're going to the dentist
- Halloween, 31/10/23
November: Animals of the world
- Core Book 1: Dear zoo
- Core Book 2: Don't wake the bear, hare!
- Remembrance Day, 11/11/23
- Diwali, 13/11/23
- Children in Need, 17/11/23
- St Andrew's Day, 30/11/23
December: Christmas
- Core Book 1: What the ladybird heard at Christmas
- Core Book 2: Spot's first Christmas
- Christmas Party
- Christmas Children's Meal
- Christmas Jumper Day, 8/12/23
- Mother's Day, 19/3/23